Offering Windows and Mirrors Through Books

What children experience through books sets the path for their own self-worth and how they view others

The Windows and Mirrors of a Child's Bookshelf

In this TedX Talk, Grace Lin, award-winning children’s book author and illustrator, shows how the books that are not on a child’s bookshelf are just as important as those that are. 

Lin shares how books provide children with a window into the larger world, as well as a mirror for self-reflection, both of which foster our ability to build bridges of tolerance.

Use our guiding questions to connect the message from this webinar to your classroom.

Books That Foster Sense of Self and Empathy

Carefully selected books and lesson plans for infant, toddler, and preschool classrooms
Teacher and baby look at book about feelings together

For Infants and Toddlers

In infancy and toddlerhood, young children are just beginning to develop their budding sense of self. Toddlers are also working on the ability to take the perspective of others. Explore books and lesson plans to foster these developing skills!

children listening to a story. Teacher reading story to group.

For Preschoolers

By age three, young children are already aware of a range of differences, including gender, race, and physical abilities. Preschool is the perfect time to celebrate and embrace our individual differences. 


Read Early and Often

Whether you teach young infants, older infants, or toddlers, children of all ages benefit from read-alouds. But what strategies work best? What should my expectations or goals be?

Published by Zero to Three, this article shares guidelines for choosing, sharing, and reading books with young children of all ages. By reading early and often, you can support children’s development and love of reading right from the start.